
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Bang! That was the sound of your heart breaking.
Like a mirror
Smashed into million pieces.

You’re stupefied, you look at them on the floor
And don’t seem to recognize them anymore.

You get down on your knees
Trying to put them back together.
And you just hope and say ‘Please
Don’t do that again! Ever!’

She’s very fragile
As well as the box she's in
Don’t lose her sight,
Know everywhere she has been
Wants to run away? Don’t let her…

A minute ago, something banged!
The next one, a girl was found hanged.


void said...

It's pretty hard to put back together a million pieces in less than a minute, though :|

eMma said...

i wanted to say that her heart is always broken. the girl is very sensible, and a certain person is making her feel so unwanted, that she just can't stands it anymore and one day she commits suicide. time is irrelevant. or were you referring to something more deep?

Irina-Alina said...

Copil, eu ti-am zis parerea mea. Te fac E.A.P.:D

eMma said...

xD xD xD xD tare :D thank you :P

Anonymous said...

Apuca-te de citit filozofie. Works every time. :D

eMma said...

xD i'll keep that in mind :P