'Where is she? Oh, look! There she is!'
'But what's that?'
'It's her again!'
'But but...'
'No buts! You know that she's everywhere... We just have to do the puzzle.'
So they started searching her. Or at least, what was left of her... One piece here, another one there...
'Yes! Finally! We've got them all! As we were told: there are infinite pieces. We got them all...'
They worked day and night, never once complaining. They wanted her back. They needed her. She was vital for their lives. They couldn't live without her. While she was alive, she realized this, but she didn't care that much. The infinite seemed to attract her, so she chose that instead. This 'game' as they called it was their only way to have her back. The only way to tell her that they loved her...
'Ah! Why don't these two pieces work? They seem like they could, don't they?'
'Yeah, they do. These two don't work either.'
'Hmmm... Weird. Guess we have to search for others. Maybe they will.'
'Yes, i think you're right.'
So, they kept searching for years and years to come...
'Ah! I think I'm ready!'
'Yes, I guess I'm ready too!'
They were looking at her in great amazement. She was beautiful! Just as they remembered her...
'Why isn't she moving? She should be moving because we've made the puzzle, right? Right?' said one of them with worry and horror in his voice.
'Yes, i remember that, too. Hmmm... Look! See there?' and he pointed at where a missing piece should have been.
'I do! But where is it?'
They started searching everywhere! They were like madmen! 'Where could it be?'
After millions of years, one of them saw something glowing in the infinite. 'Maybe that is the one... Yes! Yes! That's the one!' He took it and put it back in place. Both of them had their eyes wide-opened and were waiting any second for her to catch life. But there was nothing. Only silence...
'Where is she?' said one of them impatiently. 'I want her! Where is she?'
Another million year passed and still there was nothing. 'I guess that she's not going to be ours again... All this time would have been nothing if she finally was alive now. But at last, we should go... We can't do more...'
'I guess you're right' said the other one, with tears in his eyes. 'But i did love her...'
'So did I, my friend... So did I...'
And they left.
+ Horizontal 8
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Posted by eMma at 12:01 AM
Labels: + horizontal 8
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tending towards smth like infinite ("+ horizontal 8" ;)) ) is too abstract for humans. it's an idea (that i respect, actually, but that i find quite imposible) that will end up driving you mad... ai putea ajunge la numarul un milion de catralioane, ce tinde spre infinit dar e uman :P (in mentalitatea copiiilor, nu stiu daca exista cuvantul "catralion":P, dar stii cat de popular era prin pustime)
cei doi cu spiritul ludic f bine dezvoltat :P (ca erau jucausi :P) te vor cauta mereu cu cate o unitate mai incolo ;)) ^_^ >:D<
stai, o idee: ar fi fost poate mai potrivit sa zici minus infinit, cred si eu... :D
imi place mult cum ai abstractizat ceea ce simti, e superb ce ai scris! love it!!! ^_^ intr-un fel acel sentiment de "pierdere spre infinit" ce-l dezaprobam, capata contur acum... insa sper sa nu fie nevoie sa ma conformez, ci sper ca te ajuta sa move on :)
cand dai un comment, nu te joci :)) desigur ca nu m-ai conformat. sunt neconformista ca prietenii mei lol :P ador expresia asta :D o sa mai urmeze, stai linistita. mwahahahha
mwehahahah dar in realitate niemni nu te-a parasit:D o sa stau pe capul tau toata ziua nooaptea bla bla stii tu. In fine, mi-a placut cum ai scris stilul e fr roarrrr can't wait for teh second one:D
stil foarte roar :)) numai tu puteai sa scrii asta ;)) thanks a lot >:D< stiu ca o sa stai pe capul meu... but i told you: it's just a story. any connections with real life is a coincidence. LIKE... TOTALLY :P
Acest text este o opera de fictiune si trebuie tratat ca atare. Orice asemanare cu persoane reale e intamplatoare. And anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an atourney, if you cannot afford one one will be provided for you... *keeps on ranting*
Oh well. Good job yet again. Drive safe.
:))) exact! nu-mi gaseam cuvintele :P Ella to the rescue! :D:D
thank you :D>:D<
Super Ella to the rescue. Dar tot nu-mi pun chilotii peste pantaloni!! :P
ah :( damn :( we were really counting on that :( *sigh*
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