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What the fuck is wrong with me??? created with QuizFarm.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
You scored as mass murderer You need to kill on a large scale. You are a pure adrenaline junkie. You are probrobly very good at improvising when it comes to going on a rampage and utterly fucking useless otherwise.
What the fuck is wrong with me???
Posted by eMma at 9:53 PM 2 comments
Labels: small stuff
sick sad little world
alone in the dark... the sound of the wind helping the branches of the tree to knock into the window like an annoying wood-pecker... creepy!
little tommy had his eyes wide open... he was scared... he stood still with his blanket over his head, trying not to breath too loud so that he could not be heard... then, a noise! he shuddered, but still didn't want to reveal his hiding place...
in a second, there was a thunder. tommy screamed! his dad came in. "what's wrong?" he questioned. "there was this monster! i heard him! he's trying to take me away!" the boy yelled with hot burning tears flowing down his cheeks. "there's nothing to be worried about!" tommy was assured by his father. "now, go back to bed and we will talk in the morning. good night!"
the next day, there was such a big fuss in the house. every member of the boy's family had to go somewhere, leaving poor tommy without attention and without an explanation for the night that had passed. it was like everyone had forgotten him...
after they were all gone, the little boy remembered that he had to meet a friend in the forest to play.
while walking towards it, a car stopped next to him. "wanna ride?" asked the man behind the steering wheel. "my mom told me not to talk to strangers." replied tommy. "but i'm not a stranger. look, my name is patrick. what's yours?". "i'm tommy.". "nice to meet you tommy. look, now we're not strangers anymore.". " yeah, i guess you're right...", said the boy. "so, where are you heading to?". "i was going towards the forest.". "oh, but a little boy like you can't go there by himself... want me to take you there?", said patrick with a big smile on his face. "mom said not to talk to strangers. but i know his name. it's patrick. so, there's no harm", thought tommy. "okay. thank you very much!". "you're welcome, tommy!"
after a mile or so, the boy realized that they weren't going on the road to the woods. "hei, this is not the way! my dad always takes me there, and i know this is not the way!", cried tommy. ". " your mother was right, tommy! you shouldn't talk to strangers!"
after a two-week search from the police, tommy was found in the forest. naked. with a foot in the river, like he was trying to get out. his little tongue was touching the ground, as he had his eyes wide open and out of their orbits. ants were on him and you could see the mosquito bites. there was also found seaman and his penis was one meter away from his body, a sign of loosing his purity even before he could fully understand what it really meant.
his parents were shocked to see these things. his mother started crying like she had never did in her life. his father's jaw was shaking uncontrollably. they both were thinking of the day when they couldn't stop for two seconds to look at their only child... looking as his flesh and bone, the father said: "the monster took him away!"
(inspired by the film "paradise lost. the child murders in the robin hood hills")
Posted by eMma at 10:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: article
Nothing to do
The years that have passed with nothing to do
Have been shallow
But that thing kind of changed after i met you
And after the first 'hello'.
Just a look, just a gaze,
Just a quick peak,
Now it's just a memory, a faze,
And i have become weak.
Weak of trying to get through you,
Through what you really are
To know what you will next do
Be near to me or run far.
I'm still waiting,
A new feeling i bore
The one you want repeating
The one when you want more and more.
Angry, sad and confused
Not knowing which one i feel most
Maybe i was used,
Maybe, but i still fell like a ghost.
I felt special, helpless and protected
Maybe i wanted attention
It's over now, i might just forget it
And put my soul this question
I ask mysel'
Why do i even bother
I think i'll better get back in my shell
So that i can be hurt by no other.
Posted by eMma at 1:29 AM 4 comments
Labels: poem
Male friend: lots of male friends ;))
Female friend: same answer
Vacation: all of them
Age: when i'll be 156 years old
Memory: not so good...
Time of day: in the morning, towards school, at school
Day of the week: monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, sunday ( without saturday )
Food: don't like eating. so, i guess, kinda all :))
Memory: had an answer for this one, but i can't seem to remember...
Person you saw: my mom
Person you talked on the phone: Summer ( >:D< )
Hugged: i hugged a lotta people today ;)) like always :P
Text Message: Ireene ( >:D< )
IM: Ella ( :P >:D< ) YESTERDAY
What did you do: woke up, went to school, got bored... something like that... went home, learned at chemistry
Who were you with: colleagues and parents
Bad/Good day: bad, but it could have been worse...
Lose something: thank god, no. that would have been 'the perfect day' ever
Fall out with someone: nope.
What are you doing now: listening to Static-X ( :X:X )
Today in general: chemistry semester paper, need a lotta industrial metal...
Wearing: prada :P ( hell no :)) )
What did you eat for lunch: i was at school then, so nothing
Better than yesterday: no maths :-> that's something ;))
Is: friday
Got any plans: can't think of any...
Getting lucky: really? you know better than i do then :P
Dislikes about tomorrow: school
Do you have work: yup
Number: 2
Song: don't gimme that... too many to answer...
Color: blue
Season: spring and summer ( >:) )
State: next!
With someone: dunno yet
Missing someone: always :))
Mood: sleepy (:|
Wanting: nothing and everything
If you wanna do this too on your blog, be my guest :P
Posted by eMma at 9:05 AM 2 comments
Labels: small stuff
no sense, no use...
oasis... 'wonderwall' and 'don't look back in anger'... two songs that help you a whole lot if you're feeling like there's no point... what i'm saying here is definitely in contradiction with a certain post of mine, but a person expresses in writing the feelings that he or she has in that moment... and this is the moment when i think that life isn't a good 'solution'...
when you know that the people you care about the most feel miserable, you feel the same with them... and then you start to question yourself 'why? why does it have to be this way?' when were your friends the last time happy? and why can't they continue to be happy and joyful?... and we just carry on with our lives...
Posted by eMma at 9:09 AM 1 comments
Labels: article