no sense, no use...

Sunday, December 9, 2007

oasis... 'wonderwall' and 'don't look back in anger'... two songs that help you a whole lot if you're feeling like there's no point... what i'm saying here is definitely in contradiction with a certain post of mine, but a person expresses in writing the feelings that he or she has in that moment... and this is the moment when i think that life isn't a good 'solution'...

when you know that the people you care about the most feel miserable, you feel the same with them... and then you start to question yourself 'why? why does it have to be this way?' when were your friends the last time happy? and why can't they continue to be happy and joyful?... and we just carry on with our lives...


Irina-Alina said...

Scrisul e o persoana cu mai multe personalitati...Se schimba dupa cum se schimba si starea persoanei. Mutipla personalitate are scrisul astha:D:->