Free will

Friday, February 22, 2008

A man was in an abyss, staying in the present. He was holding two ropes, the rope of the future and the rope of the past. He got up the rope of the past, because it was easier to climb. He reached the top, but a voice told him that he should go back in the present. So, he climbed down the rope and got to the same point he was before. He then went up the rope of the future. The same voice told him to go back in the present. That’s what he did. And there he let go of the ropes.


Irina-Alina said...

Great story.O sa pun la fav. IA vazut ca am facut o chetsie cu linkuri pref

eMma said...

dap, am vazut :P ms mult nysy :D

Anonymous said...

wow, e prea tare :O :X scri din ce in ce mai frumos ^_^ this piece is great!

eMma said...

awwww *blushing* why, thank you! ^_^ :)) ;))

Irina-Alina said...

Maine poimaine o sa devii urm Edgar Allan Poe, varianat filzofica:P (btw new post la mine)

eMma said...

EAP, varianta filozofica *day dreaming* thaaaaaanks :D hai ca ma uit acum :P